When anyone thinks of spring break usually images of sun, bikinis and MTV pop into their minds. Being from Wyoming that is almost never the case. Spring break is practically guaranteed to included Winter’s last hoorah. So instead of bikinis, break out the layers! Instead of sun rays beaming down, huge fat flakes of snow plummet from the heavens.
I have found the more time I take with my camera, the more I need! Much like my sugar addiction, a little taste is never enough. So when I looked out the window to find these beautiful cotton balls falling, it was time to get the gear! I kicked into mom mode, got the gaggle of kids dressed, combed, brushed and preened (we are not good looking morning folk) and out the back door!
At first yes they were a little apprehensive. but when they saw the camera in my hand, lets just say they are definitely not camera shy.
Once everyone was snapshot ready we clamored outside. Now after a very short time it became clear that it wasn’t really snow falling down, but large hunks of slush. It did not take long at all for each child to get totally soaked. Luckily the picture portion was brief, they were not about to let my priorities get in the way of this spring time fun.
Most might be upset that their so called spring break was wet and cold. But every year it happens and I fall in love with this brown square of a state a little more. Where else can I get sunshine one day and snow the very next?! OK I’m sure that happens in other states too. But I’ve grown a little fond of this one.
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