Sisterly Love

My sister ChyAnna is hard working, dedicated, and freaking stunning! There is an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine where Gina says that she is the human equivalent of the 100 emoji. That is the only way I can think to describe my sister. So when she gave me the OK to take her graduation photos, I was elated. Yesterday was the first sunny day I’ve had the chance to shoot in a while so the light in the almighty “golden hour” was on point. Combine the beautiful light with this beautiful face and you get pure unadulterated photography MAGIC. We stared off at the river getting some gorgeous backlighting creating that perfect halo of light. When we were looking for quality backgrounds and there was some walking we needed to do, this soon to be RN was quite literally scaling rocks in HIGH HEELS without any issues. While I, in my vans, almost bit the dust multiple times! At one pint there was a close call with the river… I’m getting anxiety just remembering it so we will move on! Living in Wyoming wind is always an obstacle. It never failed that as soon as I had her posed a huge gust would pick up and blow her hair right in her eyes. Luckily we are more than seasoned to the winds and adjustments were quick, albeit frequent. We both left the shoot feeling accomplished and very happy with the session results. I must say my favorite part of this session was being able to share time with my sister that I took for granted all to much and a youngster. As we grow older and get busier, our families and responsibilities grow, we can forget to take the time to be around those we love. I am grateful for the time I got with my little sister and lets be honest, these amazing photos were just a bonus feature :).


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wedding and SENIOR photography

Wyoming | colorado | montana