Wyoming Winter | Family Photos | Bowland & Hill Family

Despite the harsh winters, Wyoming really is a wonderful place to be a photographer. Between our mountain rages, the Platte River, and abundant sagebrush, this state truly has a lot to offer. But the transforming landscape that alters with each season, is something that blows my mind every year. I honestly don’t think it will ever get old!

With that said, I may be falling more and more in love with winter sessions you guys! Yes, I cannot stand the cold. Yes, I am severely uncoordinated and snow/ice always amplifies that. Yes I sometime lose feeling in the very fingers that work my camera. But ya know, something about the beautiful bright snowy days has my heart singing every time I head out for photos! And this Sunday did exactly that! I got to hang out with the Bowland/Hill family and it was nothing short of awesome!

From the get-go when little Harper and Arianna showed me their matching fluffy vests, I about fainted from the cuteness! And honestly the whole family totally rocked their freezing cold session! Bonus! For the grand finally, they even brought in a fur baby! Jeremy and Harper’s super excited one year old pup!

To the entire Bowland/Hill clan! Thank each and every one of you for joining me outside in the cold! You all warmed my heart with how perfect you were to work with! I loved every second of our time together!!!


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