Josalyn & Travis | Wyoming Mountain Engagement Photos

You want to hear a crazy fact? We shot this engagement session exactly one year away from Travis and Josalyn’s wedding! I’m so excited for them! They brought their beautiful baby girl Emma. Who is 7 months old and insanely photogenic! And I really love that they included her in their engagement photos. It was the perfect way to capture them as a family of three!

We met on casper mountain. Where the sky was hazy and smokey from the surrounding fires. But that didn’t make it any less perfect! Walking along red dirt roads. Navigating around sharp sage brush. And crossing looming hills to find the perfect spots for these three was nothing less than an awesome time! There are some clients who I get to work with that make time fly by, and the soon to be Nelsons are absolutly those clients!

Josalyn, Travis and Emma! Thank you guys so much for letting photograph you guys! There really is nothing like being engaged to the love of your life, and I love that I got to celebrate a bit of it with you! I’m counting down the days until I get to photograph you WEDDING! It’s going to be so wonderful!


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