A Surprise Proposal | Rotary Park Casper, Wyoming | Brandon & Alicia

Surprise Proposal Photos

I am so dang excited about this post you guys! It was for sure the most exhilarating session I have photographed so far! If you’re wondering how Brandon planned and pulled off such a perfectly planned proposal… get ready! Because I’m sharing the whole story with you guys!

When Brandon first contacted me, he said he was planning to propose and wanted to have a photographer there. Immediately I was game! This is after all, a moment that only happens once! He knew how important that would be to Alicia, which just shows how well he knows her! Brandon knew he wanted to pop the question at the falls in Rotary Park, and what a perfect backdrop! He said he didn’t know how he was going to get her to dress up for the hike up, but it was a task her was willing to tackle!

Every detail, he thought of! Every moment, planned to perfection! He even got her a gorgeous bouquet for the occasion! We stared our mission by meeting up at Nate’s Flowers. He knew having the bouquet for their hike would make her start to wonder what was about to happen. So once I had the flowers in hand and it was go time, I headed to the falls and stashed them in the nearby greenery. Meanwhile Brandon let Alicia know they would be going to a company dinner. He wanted to take her to see the falls before dinner though.

Now, Let’s take a brief moment to notice that Alicia HIKED in HEELS! This girl is a rock star! As they walked up the trail, I was already at the location. Kindly hinting to others what we had planned so we had plenty of space. I felt like a secret agent! Pretending to photograph the scenery, I realized how excited/nervous I was when I saw them coming up the trail. But in the same moment thought, ‘if I’m nervous I can’t imagine what Brandon is feeling right now!’.

Once they were settled in, I walked up to them just as Brandon and I had planned said “Hey! I know this is super weird, but can I take a few photos of you two? I’m a new photographer and could use some practice!” Now I know I must have seemed like a creep, but Alicia, being seriously the sweetest human ever, said yes of course! Brandon, then carried Alicia across the sharp wet rocks to the perfect spot.

I asked them to get super close, smile, I backed up, saw Brandon look at me like “GO TIME!” I nodded. He went down on one knee, pulled the ring box from his pocket, showed her the ring him and his Grandfather picked out, and asked her to marry him! Seriously guys! ALL. THE. FEELS. The look on her face was pure unfiltered joy! She pulled him in for a kiss! Brandon stood up, placed the ring on her finger grinning from ear to ear, and when she saw her new bling her jaw dropped!

This has to be in the top five most amazing things I have ever experienced photographing! I wish I had the words to say how much these two truly care for each other. The whirlwind of emotions I witnessed during Tuesday night, I can’t even express how happy I am that they will have them preserved forever!

Brandon truly wanted Alicia to have everything in this moment. And Alicia could not stop smiling, feeling so in love with the man who wants to spend the rest of his life with her!

Alicia and Brandon! Congratulations! I’m so excited for you two! Thank you so much for trusting me to capture this beautiful new chapter you both have started together!

Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos

Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal PhotosSurprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos Surprise Proposal Photos

  1. Heather Hansen says:

    Hayden, you made their moment priceless! Thank you for everything you did to help Brandon pull it off! I wanted to come and hide and watch but my family wouldn’t let me! You were amazing and the pictures capture the emotions and beauty of it all. You are truly amazing!❤️

    • Hayden Esau says:

      Oh my goodness thank you so much Heather! That makes my heart so happy!!! And I totally don’t blame you for wanting to come watch! It was a beautiful moment!!!

  2. Tera Rice says:

    Brandon, you are such a fine young man and I know you have asked an amazing young woman to be your bride. Congratulations Brandon and Alecia! May God’s grace cover you always~~

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