Our sweet little monster is now two! Which means here come the terrible twos! But lets get real, we’ve already gone through the ornery ones, and next year at three, I’m sure we will be introduced to something even more terrifying! But no matter what we love this little man so much. He keeps us on our toes and gives the absolute best snuggles! He loves when we all sing about little ants marching one by one. He squeals with excitement when his blanket comes out of the dryer. He says thank you like a true gentleman and is obsessed with fries (but mostly the ranch that comes with them). He is a recovering fruit snack addict who has been clean for two months now (Unless he is at Mimi’s). His favorite day of the week is Friday, when he stares out the window for the garbage truck to arrive. His favorite toy is his T-Rex, which he carries around whispering “Be nice” right before a big ole dino bite. He is our own personal sour patch kid (sour then sweet) and we wouldn’t have it any other way! Happy second birthday little Grey!!!
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