4 Things To Remember On Your Wedding Day

We have all heard the age old saying. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. But I have worked up this weeks blog post with four more things you might not realize (or could easily forget) are a wonderful ideas to bring with you on your wedding day.

(BTW you’re going to want to read until the end, I’ve included a photo of super awkward me… attempting to dance.)

1. Your Invitations.

You are going to put a lot of time and thought into those wedding invitations. You’re going to make sure they fit the theme of your big day just right. You are going to design them so that all of your guests will get to see a preview of just how awesome your wedding is going to be! So make sure to bring one to your getting ready suite. That way you can have your photographer take photographs of them with all of your other thoughtfully planed wedding details so that they are preserved with all of your other beautiful memories.

2. An Emergency Kit.

Alright I’m kind of cheating here because this is more like 9 in 1. But it’s a biggy! Packing an emergency kit a few days before is seriously such a good idea. Fill it with deodorant, a lint roller, touch up makeup, double sided tape, bobby pins, aspirin, band-aides, insect repellent, super glue and anything else you MIGHT need. Because the universe knows if you are not prepared. And it will take advantage!

3. An “I love you and can’t wait to see you!” note from your Fiancé.

The night before your big day, take a moment to write each other a small note. You don’t have to one up Shakespeare, or create the next great American novel (Save that material for the vows 😉 ). Just something short and sweet that lets your Fiancé know how excited you are to share such wonderful day with one another! Even if all you have are sticky notes and crayons laying about, it will be the thought that counts! And after going practically the whole day without seeing each other, that little note is going to mean a whole heck of a lot!

4. Dancing Shoes!

Take it from me, trying to dance all night in 4 inch heels was downright insane on my part! And I soon became barefoot on the dance floor, getting my poor little toes stepped on by my well intentioned husband. If only I would have known! So save your own toes from my mistake, and bring a pair of flats, flip flops, or sneakers to help you get down on your wedding day! *bonus points if you chose a floor length dress, because no one will even know the difference!*

As promised, me on my wedding day, barefoot, attempting to dance… and failing… #facepalm PC: Shelby Tweedy

There you have it guys! My 4 extras to bring on your wedding day. Stay tuned for more wedding tips coming to the blog soon!


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