How To Plan A Wedding | Week 14

Week 14 is hereeeee! Which means we are very close to the end of this blog series! Let’s GOOOOOOO!

If you missed last week here is Week 13.

Bridesmaid’s and Groomsman’s gifts– Whether you are getting your Bridesmaids cute robes or mini bottles of wine, getting flasks or watches for your Groomsmen gifts, get them ordered and wrapped/packed now. Then store them in a safe place before your big day. You can decide to give them to the bridal party during the rehearsal dinner, saving yourself another wedding day task, or choose to have them in the getting ready rooms waiting for them. Know that you do not need to go all out Oprah style for these gifts (You get a car! You gat a car! Everyone in the bridal party gets a CARRRRR!!!). Your bridal party loves you and wants to be standing with you on the biggest day of you life! Which will trump any monetary gift you could think of!

Write Your Vows– Okay so full disclosure, I wrote my vows MINUTES before walking down the isle. And while I thrive under last minute pressure, (Queue Queen’s ‘Under Pressure’!) I do not recommend this! With everything that was happening around us I had just completely spaced my vows! So set aside some time to write your vows a few weeks before if you decide to write your own. Better sooner than… well right before! When you are writing your vows, put your heart into it, but don’t feel like you need to be a famous poet to accomplish this task. Your spouse loves you, and as long as it comes from the heart they will be so overjoyed with the words you share with them.

Get Your Hair Did– Take some time to get your hair trimmed/colored before your wedding day so that you feel fly as heck! Save any drastic transformations for after the wedding day (this is usually not the best time to decide if you have the face for bangs).

Head over too Week 15! And hang in there because all the wedding planning chaos is SO worth it!


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